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Still craving more information about Kinstretch®?  Kinstretch® is a movement practice that prepares your body to do whatever it is that you want your body to do.  This movement enhancement system develops maximum body control, flexibility and most importantly, USABLE ranges of motion. The techniques utilized in a Kinstretch® practice are selected based how they will help with body control, injury prevention, joint health and physical longevity. 

Kinstretch® works by first developing a baseline. Learn to move your joints independent of one another and control what you already have. Then we add on to that baseline by increasing ranges of motion, controlling those new ranges of motion and then maximizing your improved joint function through compound movements. RINSE & REPEAT. 

The medical practitioner who developed this system saw that, despite best efforts in training and treatment, there are still continuously increasing occurrences of injuries among athletes, higher numbers of missed work days due to headaches and pain, diminished quality of life and people developing premature degenerative arthritis far before their joints are supposed to wear down. 

The problem was not the methods of training or doing what we love. The problem is that most bodies, even the most athletic among us, are simply not ready to do what we are asking them to do. Kinstretch® applies consistent, methodical, concentrated control and maximum strength so you can function optimally when you’re doing what you love or just living life every day. 

As a Kinstretch® instructor my goal is to help you perform better and limit your possibility of injury so that you can play your sport at higher levels, run/walk easier and attain yoga poses you never thought possible. 

UPDATE: Kinstretch® was featured in September 2020’s issue of Men’s Health Magazine with a 3 page spread. Check it out HERE.

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